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Blog    Watercolor is big this year


Watercolor is big this year

by RC Blog • February 10, 2017

It can be seen everywhere from personal blogs and big brand publications to home decor and high fashion designs. From the whimsical and feminine to the bold and abstract, watercolor adds a more personalized, textured touch to your designs and branding.


A Tale of Two Design Trends…Will You Choose Pattern?

2017 is going to be a year of individualism in graphic design. Flat design was a very welcome addition to graphics last year, helping to simplify layouts and improve user experience, but it became so popular that it now feels saturated. This year we’ll see more arts and crafts inspired trends, and pattern and print will return in a big way.


Semi Flat Design

In the past few years flat design ruled the web design market but now, influenced by Material Design, it is becoming more dimensional. This transition begins with some light shadows, making it a semi flat design. The evolution of flat design from a minimalist style suits the new developing technologies. Flat design is still in, but it has undergone some improvements.



Cinemagraphs aren’t the regular gifs we see all around the web. Cinemagraphs are still images with minor elements moving in them. This technique makes a simple photo more realistic by bringing it to life.



Consumers are constantly facing unwanted distractions throughout their everyday interactions (fake news anyone?). Whether it’s in person, online, on social, or in our brick and mortar shopping. With that comes a sense of polarization that’s attached to brands. So much so that it can sometimes draw an “approval” line as to who can—or should—shop where, or what cereal we can put in our cart without people side-eyeing our choices. Brand messages need to dig deeper, prove their worth and credibility, and really do their homework when it comes to who they’re targeting. In 2017 brands will aim to become a refreshing unifier, verses staking stances. In all forms of communication, brands should integrate authentic messaging and reach consumers in more relatable and organic ways. To brand, without branding. To connect, without selling. To invite consumers to embrace ethos, over labels. —Paul Davis, Creative Director, Ologie


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