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Top 10 Reasons Why 3D Modeling Is Important For Your Business

by Denmark • April 21, 2021

No matter what sector of business you are a part of, you must have surely heard of 3D Modeling. Over the past years, this technology has made a great impact across different industries. It does not only help you visualize but also gives your client a concrete picture of your idea.

What is 3D Modeling?

It is the process of using computer software to generate a 3D image of an area or object. You can choose to create it manually or automatically. Artists manipulate points in a virtual environment called vertices to form a mesh in creating the object. 

3D models can become anything you can think of. So, if you are in the business of selling ideas, concepts, properties, and even goods, here are some of the reasons why 3D modeling is important for your business. 

Reasons why you should use 3D modeling in your business

1. Branding for your business

Branding for your business

Making use of 3D modeling for your company’s brand will definitely give you an edge against your competitors. If used right, adding 3D models or elements to your logo and website makes your business appear more professional and modern.

2. Lower Cost

Lower cost

Each 3D model is built for a variety of uses and is made using different software. Usually, materials used for the product are automatically listed, giving you the heads up on what to expect and how much the end product will cost before producing it. 

This will allow you to monitor and avoid any additional costs during production and development. Although you have to remember that this depends on the quality and complexity of the product, and the urgency of the deadline.

The total cost of hiring 3D model services will also vary.

3. Better product development

Product development

This is probably one of the most obvious reasons. Whether you are in manufacturing, construction, or any other industry, 3D modeling offers more perspectives when creating a new product. 

Plus, designers and artists can easily add more features during the development stage. You will also get to show all of the elements and physical features of the proposed design. 

4. Speedy modifications

Speedy modifications

As with any design process, artists or designers have to continuously make modifications to the product’s features. Whether this may be in construction or manufacturing, the same rule still applies. 

With 3D modeling, it is easy to make minor or even major changes to your design. Plus, corrections can be done quickly without having to spend more than the budget.

5. Easy product testing and prototyping

Product testing and prototyping

This step is usually done by manufacturing companies but can also be applied to different industries. Part of the development process is prototyping and testing. Using 3D modeling for this step would significantly cut costs and time.

After making modifications, you can virtually put the 3D model of the product in different environments and stressors for testing. Plus, any adjustments or modifications done can easily be applied before building the prototype. 

6. Start marketing your campaigns earlier

Marketing campaigns

Usually, your marketers would create campaigns for your product right after it is manufactured. This method consumes more time and can occasionally be more costly. 

But with 3D modeling, you can avoid that completely. When you create 3D models of your product, you can promote them before they are manufactured.  Additionally, your marketing team can create strategies earlier and ensure campaign goals are reached on schedule. 

3D modeling can also be used in different marketing mediums. In fact, some companies keep a virtual library of 3D models for future use. If there are any changes to the design, brochures, posters, and any other media can easily be edited as well.

7. Easy Collaboration


Smooth collaboration between designers, engineers, and others who will need to provide input on a project’s design can be quite challenging. Using the 3D modeling as a reference point, all team members, both technical and non-technical can easily communicate with each other.

Plus, you can access the 3D models anywhere using the cloud. With the pandemic happening, more and more companies have temporarily opted for the work-at-home scheme.  Cloud-accessible  3D models make it easier for everyone on the team.

8. Recycle Designs


Did you know that most companies do recycle their product designs? Usually, new products are a variation or an improvement of an already existing item. Making 2D designs for each variation will take you a very long time to finish.

However, hiring a firm that specializes in 3D model services will help cut all that. Reusing designs and modifying them according to your requirements with 3D software is faster. Plus, it makes documentation much simpler.

9. More precise measurements

Precise measurements

When creating a product, you will need to have precise measurements. A 3D design can show you the exact dimensions of the item and all of its features. This will help the team members and potential customers check the product and make the necessary adjustments if needed.

10. More Convenient


Because the needs of the consumer are continuously changing, businesses need to find a way to keep up with that.  3D modeling can help you do that. Because it is easy to add modifications and create prototypes, keeping up with your market is a bit easier.

If you are considering getting 3D model services, we have the best in the industry with us here at RipeConcepts. We create visual experiences that will show off your product much better than any photo ever could.

3d-modeling , Business

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