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Blog    RipeConcepts Wins Honorable Mention at International Design Awards 2021


RipeConcepts Wins Honorable Mention at International Design Awards 2021

by Khristal Asoque • February 14, 2022

International Design Awards (IDA)

RipeConcepts has attained another achievement—a great way to start 2022!

Paul Frank - Water World” by RipeConcepts was awarded an honorable mention in the International Design Awards (IDA) 2021 under the Professional Category.

With over thousands of submissions from more than 80 countries, RipeConcepts’ entry—headed by lead designer Joshua and art director Clarice—has gracefully caught the IDA jury’s attention.

International Design Awards

The design was inspired by the lost city of Atlantis. It plunges into the underwater fantasy with the cast of Paul Frank, taking on a hypnotic visit under the waves to the lost oceanic world. 

The IDA, now in its fifteenth year, is one of the most reputable design awards that caters to every talent all over the world. IDA presents different types of styles and art designs that encapsulate each of the designers’ imagination and creativity. Through this, creative talents and designers are given the opportunity to exhibit their works from the disciplines of architecture, interior, product, fashion, and graphics.

Achievement aside, creative resources at RipeConcepts are always given room to grow and unleash their potential. We’re proud that each of our dynamic designers are able to conceptualize and produce award-winning results.

Let’s collaborate and make your ideas come alive! Talk to us at connect@ripeconcepts.com.

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