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4 Illustration Advantages for your Business Campaigns

by Khristal Asoque • June 27, 2022

The Power of Illustration In Your Business Campaigns

Business illustrations have been a key factor when it comes to marketing as a whole.

In the early 21st century, illustrations were already being used as a marketing tool. Its goal is to advance business, impart information, and attract shoppers. It started with the name of the inventor of the product or the proprietor, then it developed into symbols that represent the company’s products. 

By definition, an illustration is an image created by a graphic artist that helps a thing enhance its overall look. This has been one of the trends to promote a brand or product. 

Here’s how illustration enhances the value of any business campaign:

1. Effective visual presentation

Customers now prefer visual information compared to the other categories. Research shows that colored visuals or guides can aid customers in understanding the content by 80%. With this in mind, it is important to note that the visual look of a campaign is the first thing that anyone will look at.

Illustrations are a firm way to get the attention of current and potential customers. As the saying goes, “First impressions last.” For instance, the brand Oreo, wherein the digital designers play with their experiences with the sweet brand. It showcases the creativity and aesthetic design of each of the illustrations.

2. Boosts brand’s visual identity

Illustrations can also help present the company’s overall theme through business campaigns. It also aids to project the brand’s personality while keeping its values and identity in mind. Thus, a digital designer can use illustration to convey exaggeration, attitude, emotion, expression, and personality on par with the goals of the company.

Like the well-known luxury brand Kuoni, they successfully reflected their brand in the illustration. The illustration campaign uses bright and bold colors that depict places they offer holidays to.

3. Relay information effectively

A study concluded that 59% think visual information is more important than textual information across all categories. This showed that illustrations were more effective in providing information to the masses, which helped with retention. A buyer absorbs a certain message more through business illustrations.

An example would be the safety posters from the Transport of London, where they take a fun take on reminders when riding mass transit.

4. Emphasis on product

Through illustration, the brand’s product can be showcased along with attracting buyers. Thus, the illustrator can input creative ideas on how to better promote the product.

A sample would be 2015 Nike’s Air Max Day based in Hong Kong. Graphic designers put their own creative spins on the shoes and their relationship to the place’s lifestyle. 

In a nutshell, illustrations can persuade, inform, and influence action. An illustrator can customize the output that attracts a buyer’s attention, amplifies the brand’s colors, educates, conveys a message, and advertises a product.

With the right kind of brainstorming and giving off creativity, illustrations can effectively be of advantage to any business campaign.

For best-in-class design services, connect with us at connect@ripeconcepts.com. 🍊


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